  • 营销经理
  • 体育指导员
  • 体育会计
  • 法学院
  • 研究生院
  • 运动员发展专员
  • 业务经理




Coursework and hands-on experiences within the sport industry that allow each you to focus on the ever-changing intricacies of the sport environment.


  • 业务发展协调员
  • 体育设施经理
  • 体育指导员
  • 事件协调员
  • 体育经纪人

体育管理(SM)专业是四年制的, full-time program of study that is designed to prepare students to excel in the sport industry. SM students are guided through coursework and hands-on experiences within the sport industry that allow each student to focus on the ever-changing intricacies of the sport environment from multiple contexts. 在课程范围内, students are encouraged to explore the area(s) of sport they are most interested in, ranging anywhere from local non-profits to national and international professional franchises.


硕士学位旨在为学生在当地就业做好准备, 状态, 区域, 国家级或国际级的体育和娱乐组织. The curriculum covers 75 credit hours in total and includes a Minor in Business Administration (24 credits) to enhance the employment prospect for each student.


NDSU SM graduates are employed in a variety of sport and recreation occupations. 毕业生应该做好在当地工作的准备, 状态, 区域, 国家级或国际级组织, 业务, 和非营利组织. 另外, 随着校园里新的电子竞技实验室的开放, we have worked closely to ensure students with an interest with eSports are able to explore the industry with professionally-outfitted equipment and through educational opportunities.

鉴于我们课程的跨学科性质,学习选择, career opportunities beyond the sport management or recreation management fields are feasible.


The 体育管理协会 (SMA) provides students with an opportunity to build relationships with peers and industry leaders in sport and recreation. Organization members can take part in sports-oriented community projects, learn about different sport and recreation careers from area professionals and become further prepared for a career in the industry. SMA定期召开会议, 付费会员有资格参加许多计划中的活动, 冒险, 还有协会安排的宴会.


The 100- and 200-level sport management courses (usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years) are designed to prepare students for additional undergraduate work in the subsequent sport management courses during their junior and senior years (see the Sample Program Guide). It is highly recommended all students review the student handbook and all communications from the SM program coordinator and academic advisors regarding the sport management academic requirements.

To be eligible to take upper-division sport management classes (with the exception of HNES 303 and HNES 323), 学生必须:

  • 已累计达到50个学分
  • hnes190成绩达到B或以上;
  • 完成HNES 192的一个及格学分;
  • 成功完成ECON 105和ACCT 102,总GPA为2.5 or higher across both classes (a student CANNOT receive a D in either course),
  • 累积平均成绩不低于2分.75 for all classes by the end of the sophomore year (reaching 50 credits minimum).


SM实习是所有SM专业的必修课程. 参加实习的学生将完成12个学分, with each credit requiring 43 hours of documented work at an internship site (totaling 516 hours of on-the-job experience). The internship can be repeated at various sites/organizations at their advisor’s discretion. Securing a host organization outside North Dakota or the United States is not only possible but encouraged.

Students have completed internship hours in several areas across sport, 包括但不限于:空军学院田径, 亚利桑那州立大学体育学院, 俾斯麦云雀, 法戈和西法戈公园和娱乐部门, Fargo-Moorhead红鹰, 法戈青年曲棍球, 伟大的骑行法戈, 爱荷华州的幼崽, 明尼苏达双城队, 明尼苏达维京人, NDSU田径, 俄克拉何马州立大学, 圣保罗圣徒, Scheels竞技场, 南德州职业高尔夫球协会, 美国奥委会, 范德比尔特大学的田径运动员, 华盛顿精神, 和卡斯的基督教青年会 & 克莱县.


Courses in the SM major are laid out to ensure students are heavily involved with sport-related materials during their junior and senior years. Our students are also educated on the general aspects of the 业务 world as they complete their Minor in Business Administration. 毕竟,体育是一门生意.

HNES 190 is our introductory course that provides students with a detailed overview of the sport industry and provides students an opportunity to better understand what is expected of professionals in sport and recreation management. HNES 192 is a practicum class that gives students preliminary experience working in the sport industry. Future classes provide students a more detailed view of the many imperative elements that are part of the successful sport managers’ toolkit. The degree is capped with the student obtaining 516 hours of on-the-job internship experience working alongside experts and influencers within the sport industry.


Students interested in continuing their education in sport management beyond their bachelor's degree have the option to begin their graduate studies in sport management in their senior year. With successful admission into the graduate program (and advisor approval), undergraduates can complete up to 9 credits of graduate-level coursework during their senior year that will be applied to their completion of a Master of Science in 乐虎集团管理 (MSM). Details for the accelerated program can be found on the MSM catalog page.